0 31 October 2018
- by David Lawson
- 31-10-2018

Well if ever a reminder is needed of how quickly life is passing us by I came face to face with one such reminder today. As I switched on my computer in my office this morning a photo of me in Cape Town popped up on my screen. Wow….12 months ago today I was stepping onto the deck of the Mighty PSP Logistics yacht to start the most incredible journey of my life, across the Southern Ocean from Cape Town to Fremantle.
Then I had it all to look forward to, and now I have it all to look back upon. What an amazing experience and one that has definitely changed my life. The Southern Ocean crossing was definitely my favourite passage amongst the many I was to undertake. There were so many firsts to encounter and of course there was the opportunity to achieve my first sighting of an Albatross.
With the Albatross in mind, this Sunday Andie and I will visit the Savoy Theatre in Monmouth to see:
ALBATROSS: a powerful documentary about birds on Midway island in the pacific whose lives are threatened by plastic. The film takes viewers on a guided tour into the depths of their own spirits, delivering a profound message of reverence and love that is already reaching an audience of millions of people around the world.
So one year on the question is…..where to now?
Well the Albatross theme has well and truly stayed with me and actually I feel as if it is a part of me now. I have really enjoyed writing this blog; it’s a first for me and whilst this blog has to come to an end, I do want to continue to write. I have penned the start of a children’s book for my granddaughter, Edie. A story about a little ‘sailor girl, her grandad and an Albatross! Watch this space……!
For me the ‘Chasing the Albatross’ term has become such a powerful theme and whilst in Sydney, last Christmas, I did decide to create a trademark; ‘Chasing the Albatross’.
All of us in some way are other are chasing something in this life….love, happiness, family, peace, self, security. The list is endless or very short, depending upon how you look at it, but most of all it’s very personal. I’ve subsequently used this as a theme in my business, to help clients unlock what they want out of life and how I can best help them to chase their Albatross.
Andie and I are forever thinking about ways we can develop the ‘Chasing the Albatross’ brand (how corporate does that sound!). Yet for us it has real meaning and we want to develop it further. Who knows where our journey might take us??
If you have managed to stay the course to read the journey of my last 12 months, well my sincere thanks. It has been most humbling to see the statistics of how far this blog has reached….29 countries, 1,581 views and 157 plays of Peter’s song, written from the content of this blog as I crossed the Southern Ocean.
I met with Peter and Jenny last week and his song has so far reached the semi-final of a competition……here’s hoping that Peter’s song will fly that little bit further still.
To all of you who donated to my chosen charity, my heartfelt thanks. Your support will really help others in need.
So now, as one journey ends, a new one opens up…….I’m off to find a glass of Malbec and write the next chapter of my grand-daughter’s story…………….Cheers to you and I hope that you too will find your Albatross. Good luck and enjoy the journey…………..
And just before I go a final picture for you (above)….