Chasing the Albatross

My adventure in search of a bird by David Lawson



0 Wednesday 25th July – update

  • by David Lawson
  • 25-07-2018

Well it’s still life on the lean here…..aaaargh! Such hard work. But that’s me done with mother duties on a clipper boat forever! All went really well.

Despite constantly having to raise or lower my bunk as we tack I’ve managed some sleep so feeling more like me again now.

It will be back to helming duties this afternoon as we head down to our most southerly mark then we can finally hang a left and hopefully this will mean the wind moves behind us and the boat will flatten out….well that’s the hope anyway!! It would be so nice to get off this lean.

Well at least the sun is out now and it is warming up. Perhaps we’ll see some of your heatwave after all. The hottest summer and I’m missing it!!!