0 End of race update added 17 December
- by David Lawson
- 17-12-2017
So the story of the final part of the race for the mighty PSP!!!
We were powering through on Thursday night in very gloomy conditions. We had good wind and with a fantastic helming effort from Stian (our resident Norwegian) and David Wilson we made really good ground. On Friday morning we thought we might have a chance. Matt was on deck regularly with 30 min updates. ‘We’ve got wind …they are only doing 5 knots!!! At this rate we could catch them in 5 hours’.
So it became a bit of a feeding frenzy and we were pushing the boat hard. I think I only slept for 2 hrs on Thursday night. We all wanted to help where needed for the final push and if that meant foregoing sleep then so be it. By about 8am on Friday we knew the game was up and despite a really valiant effort we weren’t going to be able to pull it off. But for a few hours before, the adrenaline was coursing through our veins and it was great to be part of such a motivated effort.
‘Chapeau ‘ to all the PSP crew and especially Matt for his enthusiasm. I met Al on Qingdao on the pontoon when we got in and he thought we were going to do it and beat them all because we were going so fast. So the final act didn’t quite play out as we’d hoped but we have huge pride on board and we’re well respected by the fleet.
So PSP will soon be back and on the prowl again!! Watch out all.. …because we’re coming. Now we have a few days of hard work on the boat and a few days rest. Sunny Sydney beckons and we’ll have a great time here.
Thanks for following us. Keep up the support. It means so much and the next instalment will begin again soon.